Graphic Design

Artists in a Graphic Design Movement Study – Summer 2021

This design was completed for ART-318, Design 1. It is meant to represent the designer’s understanding of two different artists in two different movements in graphic design, with a personal interpretation of what a blending between the two modes might look like. For mine I decided to meld the loose chaos of Kurt Schwitters in the Dada movement with the rigid geometry of the Stenberg Brothers during Russian Constructivism.

Knocked and Scummed Movie Poster – Spring 2019

This fake movie poster was designed for ART-305M, Graphic Application (Multimedia majors). We were assigned the task of creating a movie poster for a fictional film of our choosing; genre, aesthetic, and actors were left to our discretion.

Self Portrait in Another Artist’s Style – Spring 2019

This is another piece from my ART-305M course. Our assignment was to create a digital self-portrait in the style of another digital artist. We were allowed to choose from a list of creators provided by our professor; I decided to attempt to capture Andrew Zbihlyj’s loose and otherworldly quality through a combination of photography, physical media (ink on paper), and found (open-source) digital resources.

Web Design

Digital Expressions Media Camp Website Redesign

As part of my multimedia capstone, a class in which all graduating multimedia majors work on a semester-long group project for an on-campus organization or community non-profit, I redesigned and updated the website for UNK’s Digital Expressions Media Camp. This website, unlike most of my previous projects, was built entirely from the ground up using only HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript. It was compiled in Adobe Dreamweaver without the use of a streamlined website building site like WordPress or Wix. And though the multimedia capstone is traditionally a group effort, I completed this website largely on my own with input from the professor due to scheduling differences.